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WoW Rare and Unique Hunter Pets

Maps, Videos and Guides for World of Warcraft Rare and hard to tame Hunter Pets

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Friday, February 24, 2012

Olm the Wise

Olm the Wise is a great pet, and I hardly see any hunters out there with him. Although he shares almost the exact skin as Ban'Thalos (minus the green glow) he is not an Exotic beast and therefore can be tamed by any hunter of a sufficient level (48 or higher).

Interestingly enough, Olm the Wise didn't always look like this. Before Cata he was a white owl that was friendly to alliance and hostile to Horde. This meant that he was un-tamable to alliance, and was the first White Owl any Hord hunter would be able to tame until they reached Winterspring.


Terrorpene is a tricky character. There are actually quite a few creatures in the game with this skin but only Terrorpene is tamable. Although not technically a "Challenge Tame" I label him under Challenge Tames due to the damage you'll receive while taming him (see below). In addition, he is not a Spirit Beast so any hunter at a high enough level can tame him.

In the Wild Terrorpene has 111,561 HP and hits quite hard with his Burning Hatred Ability which does 10k damage every second. As an 81 Elite pet he is quite hard to tame if you are not 85. This pet appears to have been designed by Blizzard as something Hunters who were decked out in Epics from Wrath would be able to tame within their first few days of leveling.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I love this Lion. Being Alliance, he matches the Alliance Guild Mount so he's pretty much the perfect pet. At least on my server he appears to be the most sought after Cat, even beating Skarr.
Sambas is classified as a cat, and therefore can be tamed by any hunter, not just BM hunters.


Karoma is one of the most sought after pets in WoW right now. It was introduced with 4.0, is a Spirit Beast and appears to have a 6 to 12 hour spawn timer. He spawns in one of 6 locations randomly, and from what I've read he (along with all rare spawns) remain in his location until ether tamed or killed. He drops only the grey Tear of Loyalty, indicating quite clearly that he is meant by Blizzard to be a hunter pet only.

He is not technically a unique skin. He matches the skin of the Ancient Grimtotem Spirit Guide, a previously tamable pet that was made tamable, and then un-tamable during BC. Blizzard obviously never intended for them to be tamable, as they only existed for 7 seconds, too short for a normal Tame Beast cast. However, a few hunters found a way to tame them, and Blizzard allowed them to keep their hard earned pets.


Anthriss is the last of the Challenge Tames that I've yet to tame, so I unfortunately cannot speak from experience. And I doubt I ever will, for two reasons.

The first is that Anthriss spawns in a very easy location to get to. As a result, any hunter happening to work on dailies, rather than Rare Hunters, will be able to see him, and probably kill him rather than tame him, as he is a little bit difficult.


Skitterflame is one of the new, yet Non-Unique Challenge tames added in Patch 4.2.  Please read my thoughts on these three Spiders, Skitterflame, Kirix and Anthriss here.

Skitteflame shares his skin with Cinderweb Spinners. This makes him somewhat less special than he otherwise would have been. Cinderweb Spinners spawn between the Forlorn Spire and The Widow's Clutch and are far easier to tame than Skitterflame (although he is probably the easiest of the Challenge Tames to grab). They have a 50% chance to spawn each day, so if you don't see them today, try again tomorrow. As I've previously said, these tames offer little prestige value to the outside community, as anyone could grab the Cinderweb Spinners and say they'd tamed Skitterflame. However, if you want to test your skills...


Kirix is the first of the Challenge Tames I picked up in the Molten Front. And he is by far the hardest, unless you know the right strategy. After that he becomes quite easy.

NOTE: Kirix is not a unique skin. He shares a skin with Cinderweb Broodling which has a 50% chance to spawn in the Forlorne Spire area of the Molten Front each day. If you don't see them there today come back tomorrow and there's a good chance they'll be there. Any hunter could grab one of these and say that s/he tamed Kirix with none the wiser. As such, this isn't much of a prestigious pet to have running around with you.

A Note on the Non-Unique Challenge Tames

I've seen a lot of Hunters lately going after the three Non-Unique challenge tames, namely Kirix, Skitterflame and Anthriss. I wonder why Blizzard put these tames in the game, made them so difficult, when a player can easily get the exact skin of these creatures with little or no effort.

I made the same mistake myself with Kirix and Skitterflame. I worked for hours to tame Kirix (Skitterflame took me only 1 try) and proudly touted him about everywhere (he was my frist non-spirit beast challenge tame) when I realized that Kirix shares a skin with Cinderweb Broodlings (grated these only have a 50% chance to spawn each day, so it makes them a little difficult to obtain).

So for all those hunters that want to have a unique pet, then don't bother trying for either of these three spiders. Their skins can be obtained much more easily (I'll go into each when I write the guides) by getting one of the somewhat less rare spawns in the Molten Front.

If, however, you wish to test your skills and tame a challenging beast, then please by all means go ahead. They are all quite difficult if you don't know what you're doing (Kirix being by far the most challenging of these three, though he pales in comparison to Deth'Tilac).

Just keep in mind that many hunters do go for the easier tame, so having either of these skins is not usually a sign of skill, as opposed to the two unique skins, Deth'Tilac and Solix. But then again, you'll know you did it, and that's all that matters.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Solix is one of the new Challenge Tame Spiders added in Patch 4.2. He and Deth'Tilac are the only two unique spiders of the lot, as Kirix, Skitterflame and Anthriss all share skins with common spiders in the area. Solix actually shares a skin with Cinderweb Spiderling, but these are not tamable. So Solix is the only way you'll get a pet with this skin. And he's a tough one.

Solix appears to have a 7 to 12 hour spawn time, and will always spawn in the same location.

Ankha and Magria

Ankha and Magria are the two new Spectra Sabres that were added in Patch 4.2. You will find them patroling up and down the regrowth, and are part of the Firelands Daily phase, meaning you much be in the right phase to even see them (The Regrowth phase).

They are technically challenge tames, though once you figure out the trick you'll see that they're quite easy. These share their skin (though different hues) with Gondria and are the only Spirit Beasts with the sabre skin.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Karkin & Skarr

Today must be my lucky day! (See a Video of me helping a friend below)

Earlier today I tamed Deth’Tilac. I’d been camping for Karkin and decided to check Deth’s spawn point and lo and behold I tamed him. I went back to my old camping spot, and started writing the Deth post, when my NPCscan goes off. Tabbing back into WoW I see an Orc Hunter running around with Karkin as his pet. Bad form dude, but whatever. Well I thought, he must have just tamed him, so it’ll be another 12 hours. I logged off and continued to write.


Early today, at about 12PM Server Time (US-Alexstrasza) I finally tamed Deth'Tilac. Deth'Tilac is one of the 4 new challenge tame spiders that came in Patch 4.2 located in the Molten Core (the Firelands Daily zone), but is only one of the unique skins (the other being Solix, who does share a skin with Cinderweb Spiderlings but these are not tamable). Deth'Tilac is therefore a truly unique spider as there are no others in the game with his skin.


Ban'Thalos is one of the new "Challenge Tames" introduced in patch 4.2, and it has the added benefit of being a spirit beast, making it only available to BM specced hunters.

Ban'Thalos is one of the most desirable Spirit Beasts on my realm, and is the favorite of my collection.

Getting Started - What You Need to Know

Before going out to get that sparkly new pet you saw in the last battleground, there are a few things to note:

1): First off, make sure that you have all of your Macros and Addons set up properly. Clear your creature cache (yes this will require a log out) before you go hunting. (Make sure to do this outside of a major city or you may miss your rare spawn).

2): Hotkeys are your friend. Even if your normal play style involves clicking your abilities with a mouse, I highly recommend you get used to using hotkeys for certain spells, namely: your Deterrance/Tame Beast Macro, Silencing Shot, Concussive Shot, and Tame Beast (the normal spell without casting Deterrence). All of these spells will be used in the challenge tames added in 4.2. Instead of using WSAD to turn, get used to moving using your mouse to turn. You can keep W as your move forward button, and equip one of the spells to the 1, 2, & 3 slots on your action bars.

3): Pathing. This can be the most boring part of hunting for rares. Certain rare pets will spawn in multiple locations, and your best bet is to patrol each of these locations until you find your pet. You may have to spend hours upon hours of patting simply to find your pet, especially if you dont' know your spawn times.

4): Camping. Certain pets spawn in only 1 location. This makes waiting a little easier, but generally taming becomes harder (either via competition with other hunters or via the strategy required to tame). However, if you don't know your spawn time, then you can park your hunter at the right location, make sure NPCscan is running and your creature cache is cleared, then sit back and watch TV until you hear the spawn announcement.

5): Spawn Timers. Know them. I will try to be as accurate as I can be with this information, but a lot of it is a best guess. However, if you know that, say Karoma will not spawn in less than 6 hours, and you just saw someone else tame him, then can take a break for at least the next few hours.

6): Be polite. There is nothing more rude than killing a rare beast because another hunter is about to tame it. If you see a hunter grabbing your beast, this isn't necessarily a bad thing. Be nice, congratulate him, and write the time down. Then show up when the spawn timer should start to be resetting and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that your pet is far more likely to come up now than by blindly patting.

7): Be helpful. If you see another rare spawn up other than the one you're looking fore, type /who and find a hunter that may be looking for it. This is exactly the reason I've started writing this page, I've helped out so many hunters while looking for my own rares that I've learned a thing or two about taming them.

8) Check your spawn points often. If you have an alt leveling in a place where a rare might spawn, park your hunter there and if it happens to spawn with your alt, quickly jump over and tame him. I've gotten at least 3 spirit beasts in this manner.

Rare Spawns - An Introduction

Rare spawns are an old feature in World of Warcraft, dating back even to the early days of WoW. However, most of these were simply rare pets with a unique ability (back in the OLD days of Vanilla pet training) or some slightly tweaked looks. That all changed in BC, and significantly in Wrath.